
From Puucraft Wiki
Revision as of 09:49, 24 June 2022 by Mixarium (talk | contribs)
Aerial view of the town on 5 February 2021.
Founded on 26 November 2020
City leader Mixarium
Situation North-west, according to Dynmap
Coordinates X: -6569; Z: 8474
Territorial expansion Approx. 330 blocks by 370 blocks

Mathoholmul is a town founded on the second half of Map 10, by Mixarium[1](formerly known as MixariumTG_YT on the server, before undergoing an account transfer to Mixarium, on February 9th 2021).



Earliest known evidence of the foundation of Mathoholmul can be dated as back as November 26th or 29th 2020. On that day, a cobblestone castle was built. According to Mixarium, the reason the castle was built was because of boredom. At around that time, Mixarium was living in nobber1's base, which wasn't too far away from spawn in comparison to at that time soon-to-be Mathoholmul. For most of Mathoholmul's period, the castle remained empty, with only his storage remaining there, with the exception of the "crash slab discovery" event that occured during that period.

The castle of Mathoholmul, November 29th 2020.

The name "Mathoholmul" wasn't used as the name of the town until December 18th 2020, when it received a warp. What is known about the name is that it originated from several lexemes, such as "math", because of Mixarium's passion for the math subject, "holm", probably taken from the second half of "Stockholm", capital of Sweden. The -ul at the end resembles a definite article from the Romanian language, where the definite articles are enclitic, meaning they're attached to the end of the noun, used to refer to masculine or singular neuter nouns, like "omul", meaning "the human", with the original noun being "om". The reason to the Romanian language reference is Mixarium's Moldovan identity.

It is also believed that the name Mathoholmul may have come from a misnomer, as Mixarium intended it to be written as "Mathoholm'ul", to actually mark the -ul after the single quote in the name, meaning "The Mathoholm". People ignored the single quote and mostly referred to the town as "Mathoholmul". Mixarium accepted the usage of it without the single quote after several weeks.

The actual beginning of the town

Mathoholmul, December 14th 2020.

Mathoholmul's first citizen would be username rjjvh, who also built the first house of Mathoholmul. Although, before that, Mixarium also built an observation tower, possibly to give the fact that his town was situated far away from spawn and that he needed a bigger field of view to observe what else is around him. In the next days, more users joined his town. Therefore, Mathoholmul could be clasified as a town.

On December 18th 2020, after few talks, Mathoholmul received its warp and its markup on the Puucraft dynmap, which made the town easily accessible, but at the same time, it created a risk for griefs happening at the town (foreshadowing moment).

This page is not fully completed yet.

  1. Mixarium, Puucraft player who joined on October 26th 2020, and is still active currently.