Aerial view of the town on 5 February 2021.
Founded on 26 November 2020
City leader Mixarium
Situation North-west, according to Dynmap
Coordinates X: -6569; Z: 8474
Territorial expansion Approx. 330 blocks by 370 blocks

Mathoholmul is a town founded on the second half of Map 10, by Mixarium[1](formerly known as MixariumTG_YT on the server).


The Beginning

Earliest known evidence of the foundation of Mathoholmul can be dated as back as November 26th or 29th 2020. On that day, a cobblestone castle was built. According to Mixarium, the reason the castle was built was because of boredom. At around that time, Mixarium was living in nobber1's base, which wasn't too far away from spawn in comparison to at that time soon-to-be Mathoholmul. For most of Mathoholmul's period, the castle remained empty, with the exception of the "crash slab discovery" event that occured during that period.

The castle of Mathoholmul, November 29th 2020.

The name "Mathoholmul" wasn't used as the name of the town until December 18th 2020, when it received a warp.

This page is not fully completed yet.

  1. Mixarium, Puucraft player who joined on October 26th 2020, and is still active currently.