
Joined 7 June 2022
Revision as of 01:18, 12 July 2022 by Existing (talk | contribs) (emiatt volt ilyen bunkó? ez olyan elszomorító (korrupció korrupció baby))

For the more serious page with details about her presence on the server, see Existing_Player.

A photo of a computer setup with a bunch of trash everywhere, and a low quality photo of an anime catgirl sitting in the chair
The only photo of Existing which has ever been taken

Existing is a person on the internet, probably located on Planet Earth. She is Hungarian, and she often jokingly mixes some Hungarian words/sentences into conversations. She is also known for liking strikethrough text.

She can easily be reached via Discord (I existn't#9617), and she also checks talk pages.

Existing's message of the day: nagyon jó‼️ miért nem ezzel kezdte? hiszen minden rendben; nincsen semmi probléma, nyugodtan menjen (i'm returning homd from vacation) (as the name suggests, this changes daily)