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== History ==
[[File:Darkhacker.png|thumb|Puucraft chat upon discovery of the house, zoom in to read]]
On January 17 2019, DarkHacker joined Puucraft for the first time. Sometime between then and March 1 2019, he would construct his house and leave the server for 2 months, before changing his username to DarkAlbert on May 5 2019. He would also play once on August 5 2019, before leaving Puucraft forever. 9 days after his first disappearance, on March 10 2019, Scurax would find his house while wandering the forest, encouraging players like theweakguy48 (Weakypedia), bluecrafter07, Amph and mrbengtsson to investigate. Quickly, the group agreed that the house was a mastery of all things minecraft, featuring ornate construction down to the pixel, decorated in an indescribably beautiful way. A second house which appeared to be the inverse of the holy house was also discovered nearby, featuring only walls and a roof. However, the second house had a side that was one block longer, meaning putting the two together would result in a small gap of grass on the floor.
[[File:2019-08-08 08.29.23.png|thumb|A picture taken of the original holy house on map 9, with the three beds missing]]
On January 17 2019, DarkHacker joined Puucraft for the first time. Sometime between then and March 1 2019, he would construct his house and leave the server for 2 months, before changing his username to DarkAlbert on May 5 2019. He would also play once on August 5 2019, before leaving Puucraft forever. 9 days after his first disappearance, on March 10 2019, Scurax would find his house while wandering the forest, encouraging players like theweakguy48 (Weakypedia), bluecrafter07, Amph and mrbengtsson to investigate. Quickly, the group agreed that the house was a mastery of all things minecraft, featuring ornate construction down to the pixel, decorated in an indescribably beautiful way. A second house which appeared to be the inverse of the holy house was also discovered nearby, featuring only walls and a roof. However, the second house had a side that was one block longer, meaning putting the two together would result in a small gap of grass on the floor.
Following its discovery, bluecrafter07 would construct a grand cathedral around the first house and a flower garden around the second. He would also mark it on the server dynmap, and build a rail line to it. Visitors could leave signs around the bottom of the cathedral's main hall to signify that they had visited.
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Map 11 saw a revival of the church with bluecrafter's return, and the construction of a new cathedral in [[Bluemont]]. However, competition with [[Arveism]], a new and growing religion, has sparked some controversy in recent times.
== The Houses ==
[[File:2019-08-08 08.29.23.png|thumb|A picture taken of the originalfirst holy house on map 9, with the three beds missing]]
=== The First House ===
DarkHacker's house consists of a 4x5 wooden plank floor with a one block extension on the eastern side. On top of this extended block is the house's door. The southeast corner of the house also features three beds joined together with pillows facing south, creating a large 2x3 surface. The structure has no walls or a roof.
The entire structure was built with much intricacy and detail, rivaling the skill of even the best builders on Puucraft. Looking closer at the structure reveals that much care and thought was put into its design, with many elements of the house symbolizing various ideas.
The first house was built into the cathedral and surrounded by admins with a ring of diamond blocks. Crossing this ring and entering the house is strictly forbidden, and will result in punishment. The diamond ring was then surrounded in a sea of torches that conform to the natural landscape of the area, as it also proves significant to the house's design philosophy.
=== The Second House ===
DarkHacker's second house was found nearby the first, a few dozen blocks to the east. While less important overall to the religion, this house still shows extreme architectural beauty and expert craftsmanship. The second house is an inverse of the first, featuring only walls and a roof, with no door or flooring. The second house measures 7 by 7 blocks, with a 3 block tall wall, leaving 2 blocks of height in the interior. As the second house's western side was one block longer, putting the two houses together would result in a small gap of grass on the inside. The meaning of this is currently unknown.
The second house, while not included inside of the cathedral, still recieved a large flower garden and paths to admire it.
The second house may not be a work of DarkHacker, however, as mrbengtsson mentioned near the finding of the first house that "this one was not made by him", shortly after block-IDing the first house. It is unclear whether he was talking about this structure or not.
== Structure of the Church ==
