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====Beginning of civilization====
[[File:Minecraft 12 14 2020 7 18 47 AM.png|thumb|400x400px|Mathoholmul, December 14th 2020.]]
MathoholmulThe town's first citizen would be usernamea player with the name of '''rjjvh''', who also built the first house of Mathoholmul. Although, before that, Mixarium also built an observation tower, possibly to give the factsymbolize that his town was situated very far away from spawn and that he needed a bigger field of view to observe what else is around himthe town. In the next days, more users joined his town. Therefore,and turned Mathoholmul could be classified asinto a town.
On 18 December 18th 2020, after few talks with the server admin, Mathoholmulthe town received its warp and its markup on the Puucraft dynmap, which made the town easily accessible, but at the same time, it created a risk for griefs happening at the town (foreshadowing moment). More buildings and residences would be built as well, including a cinema built by username '''Theidiot''' (yes, that was his actual username).
[[File:Beta-173-chat - Discord 6 9 2021 9 23 54 AM.png|thumb|306x306px|Several users checking out the crash slabs. The reason why they show up as quartz blocks is because Mixarium was playing on the server from Release 1.7.10, with the DirtMultiVersion proxy. On 1.7.10, the ID 44:7 means quartz slabs, that's why they show up like that.]]
==== Building of the railway system to Mathoholmul ====
Randomguy2200, Puucraft player, known for his railway systems to towns around the Puucraft map, planned to build a railway connecting Mathoholmul and Rembul on December23 23rdDecember 2020. Mixarium agreed and collaborated with Randomguy2200, helping him build the bridge for the railway. The railway to Mathoholmul would be finished five days later, on December28 28thDecember 2020.
===="The crash slab discovery"====
On January17 17thJanuary 2021, Mixarium would build a meta-data changer machine, that has the capability of changing log blocks, wool blocks, and slabs. With it, several types of slabs that have an unused ID can be created. If a person tries to check the name of these slabs by hovering over them in their inventory, it crashes their client. This type of slabs was shown to few people, before 23 January 23rd 2021, the same day when Puucraft would supposedlythought shutdownto (althoughbe itshutdown but didn't)cancelled, when more people came to Mathoholmul, invited by Mixarium, to check out the slabs.
====Foundation of the parliament====
Parliament of Mathoholmul was founded on February6 6thFebruary 2021. Its main intention was for discussion of how the entire Puucraft server could be improved. The members of the parliament would bring suggestions, while Mixarium and others were analyzing them. Turns out, this isn't what the expectations exactly were. While sure, some serious talk was involved, it was treated more of a roleplay, which can be understood why.
====War implication====
'''Disclaimer: the word "war" isn't meant to be used seriously, it was more of a roleplay fight which had a slight meaning to it.'''
Mathoholmul has been implicated in one short war, during the [[North-South Kytrap conflict]]. On May7 7thMay 2021, Mathoholmul and North Kytrap, led by [[Gamer0127]], sign the "Reciprocal Treaty", in which both towns promise that they'll help each other. Though, on 8 May 8th, the next day, war would be declared between North and South Kytrap, with the southern part led by [[CraftedPatryk]]. Mixarium, mayor of Mathoholmul, intervened in the fight and the northern side would be declared victorious, after CraftedPatryk had surrendered.
[[File:Minecraft 6 14 2021 7 31 10 PM.png|thumb|500x500px|Opening of the orthodox cathedral, 14 June 2021.]]
[[File:Minecraft 5 8 2021 8 10 18 PM.png|none|thumb|North-South Kytrap war, 8 May 2021.]]