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Mathoholmul has been implicated in one short war, during the North-South Kytrap conflict. On May 7th 2021, Mathoholmul and North Kytrap, led by [[Gamer0127]]<ref>Gamer0127, Puucraft player who joined on April 3rd 2021, left the server for unknown reasons.</ref>, sign the "Reciprocal Treaty", in which both towns promise that they'll help each other. Though, on May 8th, the next day, war would be declared between North and South Kytrap, with the southern part led by [[CraftedPatryk]]<ref>CraftedPatryk, infamous Puucraft player, who joined on December 29th 2020. He's inactive, as of now.</ref>. The northern side would be declared victorious, after CraftedPatryk had surrendered.
[[File:Minecraft 5 8 2021 8 10 18 PM.png|none|thumb|North-South Kytrap war, May 8th 2021.]]
====Building of the orthodox cathedral====
On May 11th 2021, [[Gustawus]]<ref>Gustawus, Puucraft legend of Map 11, who joined on January 2nd 2021.</ref> organizes plans of building an orthodox cathedral, and has chosen to build it in Mathoholmul. Mixarium helped Gustawus with the building, in order to save time, and on June 14th 2021, the orthodox cathedral was finished.
===Mathoholmul griefs===
During the existence of Mathoholmul, three major griefs have been confirmed, all happening at different periods of time.